Kingdom Hearts
In the Kingdom Hearts game series, the seven "Princesses of Heart", are young ladies with entirely pure hearts who would open the way to Kingdom Hearts if gathered together. Five of these maidens- Cinderella, Belle, Aurora, Snow White and Jasmine are Disney Princesses. The remaining Princesses of Heart are Alice from Alice in Wonderland and game series' heroine, Kairi. The Disney Princesses make various appearances throughout the series:
- While all seven Princesses of Heart and all then-six Disney princesses appear in the first game, only Belle, Ariel and Jasmine reappeared in Kingdom Hearts II with Kairi, though the others are mentioned. Mulan, however, makes her first appearance as the player visits her world. She serves as a tradeable character in the party similarly to how Ariel was in the first Kingdom Hearts.
- Belle, Jasmine, Ariel and Alice appear in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories as figments of Sora's memory, but their roles as Princesses of Heart are not brought up; they also appear inKingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days when they each meet Roxas.
- In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora feature along with their respective homeworlds: Dwarf Woodlands, Castle of Dreams, Enchanted Dominion.
- Digital versions of Alice and Jasmine appear in Kingdom Hearts coded.
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