Selasa, 17 September 2013
Princess Aurora, originally voiced by Mary Costa, is the third Disney Princess, and first appeared in Disney's 16th animated feature film Sleeping Beauty (1959). The motion picture is adapted from the French fairy tale The Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault (1697) and from The Sleeping Beauty ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1890). Aurora has hair of sunshine gold, lips that shame the red rose and is often described as beautiful, kind, shy and sophisticated, as well as a hopeless romantic. At first, she is seen as a little naive and insecure as a result of being sheltered for most of her life, but unlike Snow White, she is much quicker and stronger. In later media, she is shown to have matured and become more self-assured, independent and confident. She was later voiced by Erin Torpey, Jennifer Hale and currently voiced by Kate Higgins.
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